
Payment in kind

Everything for your employees

Payment in kind

Payment in kind

Regional Hero launches food subsidy

Payment in kind

Use tax-free benefits in kind as a donation

Payment in kind

Work in the most beautiful places in Europe with Project Bay and Regional Hero

Payment in kind

Get the most out of your tax-free payment in kind!

Payment in kind

An exciting milestone in promoting regionality has been achieved: Our partnership with Mastercard!

Payment in kind

Employer Branding: How to Build a Strong Employer Brand

Payment in kind

Alternatives to a salary increase: 10 practical examples

Payment in kind

Strengthen employer branding through the right corporate benefits

Payment in kind

Corporate Benefits: How Companies Can Gain an Advantage in the War for Talents

Payment in kind

Heroic Attention in Uncertain Times

Payment in kind

Supporting Workers — in Times of Crisis

Payment in kind

Give twice as much joy: ‍ Make optimal use of tax-free benefits in kind and support regional stores with Regional Hero

Payment in kind

For Employers: Motivate Employees with Tax-Free Gifts