Tax-free payment in kind in Düsseldorf with the Düsseldorf Card

You can pay for Alt und Himmel and Aed in Foxes just as easily with your Düsseldorf Card as you pay for entry to K21 or a drink at Sir Walter. Enjoy full flexibility with the Düsseldorf Card and also pull it out to pay at the regional gas station or the owner-managed Edeka around the corner.

What is the Düsseldorf Card?

The Düsseldorf Card can be redeemed in all participating businesses in the region. It is available as a physical, regional credit card or as a digital version in the Regional Hero Discovery app. With the app, users can pay and discover our favorite places. Favourite places are our personal local favorites — from yoga studios to fashion stores to local service providers. The Discovery app not only includes a balance overview, a card with points of acceptance, but also the option to collect bonus points or shop online at local marketplaces.

Who is the Düsseldorf Card for?

The Düsseldorf Card is the best solution for tax-free employee benefits. Employees receive the card from their employers and can therefore spend their net wage increase on individual needs. In addition to employers, who benefit from happy employees, regional companies also have the opportunity to provide sustainable incentives for their customers.

Why the Düsseldorf Card in particular?

The Düsseldorf Card is simply the most flexible solution for your employees! Because everyone is guaranteed to find the right one for themselves, as the card can be redeemed at hundreds of acceptance points. In addition, sustainable design and regional ties make the Düsseldorf Card an award winner in ecological terms. Thanks to its wide range of uses, e.g. for birthdays or for tax-free payments in kind, and the option of quick charging, the Düsseldorf Card is also the simplest solution for employers.

History of the Frankfurt-Card

The regional credit card for Frankfurt was born from a social initiative in the first lockdown of the corona pandemic. With Helfen.Berlin and Helfen.Munich, a simple way was created to make favorite places visible. The B-CARD for Berlin and the Minga Card for Munich are the long-term, sustainable way to support local companies and are increasingly addressing regional employers as a solution for tax-free wage increases. Social commitment, regional support and employee benefits in just one product are now also available for the Frankfurt region - with the Regional Hero Card.

Support social projects with Regional Hero

For us, regional cohesion is paramount. That is why we at Regional Hero have been supporting various social projects since our founding and so can you. The credit in the Regional Hero app can also be donated with just a few clicks!

This also applies to tax-free benefits in kind.