Payment in kind

November 6, 2022



min Lesezeit

Heroic Attention in Uncertain Times

Horrendous Gas Bills and Shock at the Supermarket Checkout? Companies can step in! In order to make optimal use of tax-free benefits in kind, 50 euros per month may be passed on to employees in this country free of tax and social security contributions. Mutual appreciation is evident both when employees benefit from the full monetary value and when they use an alternative voucher for charitable projects.

Take a deep breath — feel good about shopping for a new favorite item and do something good not only for yourself but also for others: A scenario that is becoming increasingly rare during the current energy crisis and in view of rising prices everywhere. With Regional Hero, companies can give their employees one of these rare moments by providing them with tax-free benefits in kind as a welcome compensation for inflation. City Cards in Berlin and Munich guarantee motivating moments of happiness not only for recipients, but also for owners of small, unique shops who, with the support of their customers, get a diverse cityscape. For lasting joy.

What is possible with Regional Hero?

The Regional Hero offer is valid in Berlin and Munich, where hidden, charming shops are waiting to be explored. Regional stores — created and managed with passion — impress with quality and products that have a story to tell. Owners of the Regional Hero app or a Minga or b-Card get to know their home from a new perspective and discover great favorite places. All City Cards can be individually personalized by companies for employees and redeemed in boutiques, gastronomic venues and spas. With the credit, payment is easy and contactless on site, so that the anti-crisis moments of happiness quickly take effect.

How does the business model ensure sustainable effects?

By supporting regional stores, Regional Hero customers work together to ensure local diversity and strengthen the economy in the area. In addition to ecological sustainability, social sustainability is also a decisive factor in maintaining the livelihoods of people in this country and the living space of all — a philosophy that underpins the sustainable consumption trend and has already received several awards. Regional Hero is currently nominated for the German Sustainability Award, as a company that promotes sustainable change in the region in a special way and thus assumes responsibility. This year, for the first time, a regional special prize will be awarded together with Sparkassen and DekaBank. It should recognize business models that strengthen regional benefits and improve the local quality of life through social or ecological initiatives. As an example of good practice, expansion to the entire nation is suggested — so that heroic acts are not missed, especially in uncertain times.

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Payment in kind

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Become a Hero in Your City: Regional Hero Establishes Secure Social Shopping in Times of Corona