Payment in kind

February 28, 2024



min Lesezeit

Use tax-free benefits in kind as a donation

In the Regional Hero app, it is possible to donate your assets to charitable organizations from tax-free payments in kind. We'll explain how it works.

Can you donate tax-free benefits in kind?

Yes, because at Regional Hero, we've made that possible.

We want to promote a return to regional consumption, as this has a positive impact on resource consumption, as long transport routes are eliminated, among other things. In addition, our favorite places pursue a sustainable business philosophy by requiring transparency, low emissions and fair working conditions and having a regional focus.

The coexistence of the various players in a region is therefore very important to us. For this reason, it is important to us not only to promote the visibility of local businesses and favorite places, but also to give non-profit organizations a stage. These organizations have set themselves the goal of serving the common good and can often only finance themselves through donations and the work of volunteers.

That is why we support local initiatives in their contribution to the region, And the users of our products can do that too.

How does the tax-free benefit in kind become a donation?

By limiting regional benefits in kind at Regional Hero, it is also possible to use them as donations. The only important thing is that the non-profit organization is based in the same region for which the donors receive their benefits in kind from the employer via Regional Hero. For example, our Munich users can only donate to organizations in Munich and the surrounding area, Berlin users to organizations from Berlin and Brandenburg, etc.

In addition, the organizations must be stored in our portal.

Donate tax-free benefits in kind with Regional Hero:

How can I donate my tax-free benefits in kind to Regional Hero? This is currently possible via our app in just five easy steps.

Within a few seconds, you have therefore made a contribution to your region. Feels good, doesn't it?

Will I receive a donation receipt?

Unfortunately not yet but we are working on it. However, for donations below 300€, a donation receipt is not required at all. To claim a donation of this amount from the tax office, all you need is simplified proof, such as an account statement, the booking confirmation of the transfer or a deposit receipt.

Which organizations can be supported?

As a Berlin-based company, we here in Berlin naturally have a larger selection of Nonprofit OrganizationsThat we support. These include the inclusive sports club Pfeffersport, WIRBerlin As an initiative that counteracts littering in Berlin, promotes civic engagement and environmental education and works for a sustainable urban society, as well as Querstadtein. The Association is committed to a change of perspective in dealing with migrants and homeless and homeless people in Berlin by organising city tours in which people who have been homeless and people with experience of flight and migration have their say.

In addition, we currently have the following organizations on our donation portal:

If it's up to us, that could be many more organizations. We are happy to receive suggestions, contacts, etc. by email to