
February 4, 2022



min Lesezeit

Become a Hero in Your City: Regional Hero Establishes Secure Social Shopping in Times of Corona

A virus variant called Omicron is sweeping the country and scientists and politicians are feverishly discussing how dangerous the corona type will ultimately prove to be for the German population. In doing so, it threatens the longest massif: trade. Regional stores are still suffering severely from the pandemic and are recording sad sales lows. The good news is that thanks to Regional Hero Shops can be saved with charm. Heroic shopping with a free app or local credit cards — a community of solidarity at its best!

Shopping socially and at the same time at a distance — how is that supposed to work!? It's simple: Regional Hero Bundles unique stores — small but nice — which are unfortunately often forgotten during this challenging time. Users can discover them in the modernly designed Regional Hero app and go shopping safely in compliance with all regulations for hygiene concepts, etc. After all, a touch of variety these days is the silver lining on the pandemic horizon for many.

What is important for Germans when it comes to “regional consumption”?

As a recent survey from November/December 2021 on the topic of “regional consumption” shows, over 70 percent of German consumers in an “ideal world” would want to shop in regional stores more often and would like a more diverse cityscape. The data collection was carried out in collaboration with BIFI (Berlin Institute for Innovation Research) and commissioned by Regional Hero. More than 400 people between 18 and 69 years of age took part — primarily living in cities with over 500,000 inhabitants or in suburban areas. More than 61 percent of respondents cited the support of local owners and SMEs as at least an important reason to shop in regional stores.

Time to turn motivations into action

So what else is wrong with supporting restaurants, boutiques and spas in the surrounding area — if the current protective measures do not reveal an increased risk of infection throughout the retail sector? Almost 60 percent of Regional Hero Survey participants say they know more or not at all where charming shops are located in their city. This has led to misconceptions that retailers offer weak price stability due to high product quality and that there is uncertainty about the availability of products when making targeted purchases.

This requires the use of Regional Hero. With the help of the app or city cards for Berlin (B-Card) and Munich (Minga Card), you can shop and save. Simply top up or give away credit and make quick contactless payments on site - so that owners who put their heart and soul into regional stores have a reason to smile behind their face masks. In addition, you can plan and organize your shopping routine specifically via the app. With Regional Hero, Mutual Support is helping Berliners and Munich residents through this long, difficult period — so that favorite places are still there even after the pandemic.

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