
August 28, 2023



min Lesezeit

Sustainable Employee Retention and Social Commitment

At a time when companies are increasingly striving to find innovative ways to support and retain their employees, the Regional Hero Card has proven to be a tool that not only offers flexibility and diversity but also promotes social engagement and sustainability. We had the opportunity to talk to Anne Spiegelhoff, managing director of “I LIKE VISUALS,” a creative agency from Berlin. She shares with us her experiences with the Regional Hero Card and how she uses it in her company.

In conversation with Anne Spiegelhoff, managing director of “I LIKE VISUALS”

How did you get the Regional Hero Card?

Anne: We have the initiative help.berlin supported during the pandemic. This resulted in the B-CARD, a regional gift card that we initially introduced for our employees. It was therefore only logical to switch to the new and much more flexible Regional Hero Card.

Which employee benefits do you use, or which have you tried out so far?

Anne: We once offered subsidies for a gym for a while, but that was not used enough because every employee has different interests. Otherwise, we also offer a travel allowance for public transport.

What was the funniest, most impression/surprising thing that your team used the Regional Hero Card for?

Anne: A colleague collected her tax-free benefit in kind on the card and then transferred a large part to the Berliner Tafel Donated — That Totally Inspired Us All! The option to donate isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Mastercard acceptance points. But there are so many great associations with different areas of focus that depend on support.

What is the biggest advantage of the Regional Hero Card for you?

Anne: Our employees work hybrid or fully remotely, which means that some colleagues even work from other cities. With the Regional Hero Card, we can now easily select the region and therefore everyone can use their credit locally. Sustainability is particularly important to us. We are therefore pleased that the Regional Hero Card is also available digitally and that not every employee has another plastic card in their wallet.

What else do you want from us?

Anne: It would be great if the debit card was available across Europe. In this way, our employees abroad could also benefit from this.

Anne's suggestion that the card be available across Europe is on our agenda for the coming years and we are delighted that even more Regional Heroes will be on the way!

The story of “I LIKE VISUALS” and its partnership with the Regional Hero Card shows how innovative approaches can promote employee loyalty and social engagement and what opportunities companies have to positively influence their employees and society as a whole.

I LIKE VISUALS We have been around since 2014 and started out as an agency for moving images and visual content. And without wanting to pat ourselves on the back, we are the absolute experts when it comes to video projects. But stepping on the spot wasn't enough for us. That's why we expanded our expertise to include branding and campaign development in 2020.

Do you also use the Regional Hero Card and want to tell us about your experiences?
Then feel free to get in touch!
info@regionalhero.com Or telephone: +49 30 66 77 12 33

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