
November 15, 2023



min Lesezeit

Regional Hero Award at the Roman Herzog Prize 2023

Regional Hero is delighted to receive a wonderful 2nd place in the Berliner Sparkasse Roman Herzog Prize 2023

Regional Hero received a special honor this year.

Since 2017, the Berliner Sparkasse Roman Herzog Prize Projects or initiatives that are socially committed and have the potential to provide impetus for the entire Federal Republic of Germany due to their exemplary character. Among 50 Applications, Regional Hero was one of the three finalists this year.

The nomination for the Roman Herzog Prize alone was an enormous appreciation of our work.

On 13.11.2023, the official awards ceremony took place in the historic Max Liebermann House, right next to the Brandenburg Gate. The Roman Herzog Prize was awarded to Querstadtein Awarded. The Association is committed to a change of perspective in dealing with migrants and homeless and homeless people in Berlin and we warmly congratulate them!

Regional Hero, together with the Foundation for Nature and Environment, which with its project Diversity as a meeting point Makes an important contribution to the exchange between humans, animals and plants A wonderful second Take up space. We are very grateful for this award.

Many thanks to the jury for drawing attention to our cause with this award. This shows that promoting the region is a goal from which we can all benefit and to which everyone can contribute something.

About the Roman Herzog Prize:

“The future is being shaped in Berlin. Nowhere else in our country is so much new being created. Here you can feel that we can create something, even change something. Create a new departure that not only Berlin but our entire country needs. I hope that this Berlin experience will inspire the whole of Germany.” (Roman Herzog, Berlin speech 1997)

As a reminder of Roman Herzog's work, Berliner Sparkasse would like to use this prize to recognize people who, with their social commitment, provide a tangible impetus in Berlin and can serve as an exemplary role model nationwide.

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