
December 16, 2020



min Lesezeit

Minga Card: Support local businesses at Christmas

The Minga Card, the Munich Voucher System that supports Munich's favorite places, can be redeemed from 17/12. Even during the second lockdown, customers can use the Minga card and pay online using a customer app, use delivery options or donate the money to their favorite location.

“We want to set an example for the second lockdown,” explains Pascal Schreiber, founder of Regional Hero GmbH, which issues the Minga Card. “Because especially when shops, restaurants and other favorite places have to close, they need support and income.”

The Minga card works like a prepaid card that can be used digitally via an app and as a physical card. You can recharge amounts of between ten and 150 euros. If you want to make a great gift with your Christmas present and strengthen local trade at the same time, the Minga Card is doing everything right.

“With the Minga Card, we are creating an alternative to vouchers from large online retailers,” says PascalSchreiber. “We want to support favorite places that make our cityscape more beautiful, that pay taxes here and create jobs. With the Minga Card, towns that Enrich Munich's cityscape receive revenue.”

So far, around 30 favorite venues have registered, including Photogenika, Simone Strickt, EasyTiger, Louloute, Personal Novel, the Theatre and so on, La Pastateca, the GOP Theater, Jack & Lady, Maria Passagne and so on.

An overview of the participating locations is available at: https://helfen-muenchen.de/minga-cardlieblingsorte-muenchen/

Other favorite places can also easily register here and become part of the Minga Card Network. The website also acts as an intermediary site for Munich's favorite places. If these places sell vouchers, they will be redirected to their voucher shop so that customers can also donate directly to their locations during the lockdown. Customers can use the credit to buy services and products, or even to donate the money to their favorite location. The idea: help your favorite place unbureaucratically.

The credit on the Minga card is valid for three years; if it is not redeemed, part of the credit goes to local, social projects.

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