Meal package

Have you ever wondered what a meal allowance is and how it influences your working life? Dive into the world of labor rights with us now. Eat smart!

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The meal allowance is a tax-free payment in kind from the employer to staff in Germany and serves to cover the additional costs incurred by the employee as a result of professionally initiated work abroad. It is firmly anchored in income tax legislation and can make a significant contribution to employee motivation. In addition, it can also significantly strengthen the local economy by increasing the purchasing power of employees in local shops and restaurants. It is important that employers understand the importance of the meal allowance and how they can use it efficiently for their employees and to support the local economy. This guide will dive deeper into this topic and address the practical implementation and possible future prospects of the food allowance in modern corporate structures.

1. Introduction to the food allowance: Definition and legal basis

The food allowance — a term that both employers and employees encounter in different contexts. It represents an important and often underestimated part of the employment relationship and has enormous potential in terms of employee retention and sustainable economic development. But what exactly is meant by the food allowance and which legal framework conditions must be observed?

Definition of meal allowance

A meal allowance is the tax-recognized amount that employees receive for their meals as part of a business or business trip. This is paid in addition to the regular salary and serves to cover the food costs caused by travel. It should be noted that actual costs are not settled in detail, but that the payment is made as a lump sum.

Legal basis of the food allowance

The legal basis for granting the food allowance is the Income Tax Act (EStG). Among other things, it defines maximum rates that apply depending on the length of the employee's absence from the regular place of work. Certain limits must be observed here: If the absence period of 24 hours is exceeded, for example, you are entitled to the full meal allowance. A smaller amount is granted if you are absent for at least 8 hours.

The provision of the meal allowance is intended to encourage employees to take on work-related travel activities without financial disadvantages and offers employers an effective opportunity to motivate their employees and increase their satisfaction. The meal allowance is therefore an important tool in the context of employee retention and motivated workforce — topics that we will look at in more detail in the course of this guide.

Keep in mind, however, that the meal allowance not only has an impact on the individual employment relationship, but can also have a significant impact on the local economy — an aspect that will also play a role in the following sections.

2. The significance of the meal allowance in the employment relationship

The food allowance has played a relevant role in many companies. In employment, it represents much more than just added financial value; it also stands as a sign of high esteem and can thus increase employee motivation and satisfaction.

An investment in satisfaction

Many employers confirm that investing in employee satisfaction and well-being is one of the most important aspects of successful corporate management. Financial support for employees in the form of a meal allowance is therefore an essential tool for promoting occupational health and satisfaction.

Benefits for employers

In addition to benefits for employees, the meal allowance also has some plus points for employers. On the one hand, providing catering options opens up various opportunities to increase productivity and efficiency. Employees who can eat locally at the company do not have to leave the premises to eat and are therefore ready for action again more quickly. In addition, interrupting the working day to search for food options can cause stress, which can have a negative impact on work performance.

Benefits for employees

But the meal allowance also offers a number of benefits for employees. In addition to the financial aspect, which can have a relieving effect, particularly in large cities, where living costs are often high, the time factor is also decisive. If you don't have to worry about buying lunch, you are more likely to have space for relaxation periods or can use the lunch break in another way. The meal allowance also contributes to an increased sense of appreciation and can positively influence the working environment.

In addition, companies can act as attractive employers with a generous meal allowance and thus inspire potential applicants. This increases the chance of attracting and retaining qualified and motivated specialists for your own company. In summary, it becomes clear how important the meal allowance is in the employment relationship and what diverse effects it has. It strengthens the working environment, ties employees to the company and ultimately supports the company's success.

Nachhaltigkeit trifft Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit. Entdecke die Regional Hero Card.

Vereine regionales Engagement mit steuerfreien Arbeitgeberzuschüssen und schaffe einzigartige Mitarbeiter-Benefits.

3. How companies can use the meal allowance to retain employees

Experienced employers know that recruiting new employees is not only costly but also time-consuming. It is therefore much more sustainable to retain existing personnel to the company in the long term and to promote their satisfaction. The food allowance can be an effective means of this.

Meal allowance as an appreciation

The meal allowance is much more than just a meal allowance. It is often seen by employees as a sign of appreciation, as it shows that employers pay attention to the well-being of their employees. A good starting point can be a regional benefit card, which can be individually designed and is offered both physically and digitally. It promotes satisfaction and thus increases employee loyalty.

Meal allowance and employee health

By setting up a meal allowance, the health of the workforce at work can also be promoted. Balanced meals are often made possible in this way, which can have a lasting effect on work performance and satisfaction. This creates a win-win situation for both sides — companies and employees.

Meal allowance as an additional benefit

The meal allowance is added to the salary and is therefore an attractive additional benefit. Especially in employment relationships where an above-average salary cannot be paid, such an additional benefit can be an important factor for employee retention.

With the help of the food allowance, companies can therefore achieve a wide range of positive effects. By using them to strengthen employee loyalty, they can support their corporate goals and at the same time make a valuable contribution to the well-being of their employees.

4. Effects of the food allowance on the local economy

The meal allowance is not only an advantage for companies and their employees. It also makes a significant contribution to supporting the local economy. It can be an important driving force, particularly in structurally weak regions.

Strengthening local providers

One of the main effects of the food allowance is to strengthen local gastronomy and trade. Employees who receive a meal allowance often use it from local providers. This strengthens demand and promotes the turnover of small and medium-sized businesses. This form of financial support can help to secure jobs and strengthen local industries.

Stimulating local demand

Another aspect is the stimulating effect on demand in the local environment. Workers who have a meal allowance often spend more money on food. This stimulates the local economy and can help to promote growth.

Regional consumption in times of crisis

Especially in times of crisis, such as during the corona pandemic, the food allowance has fulfilled an important function. Since many employees work from home and were unable to access the company's canteen, they have increasingly shopped in local stores and from regional suppliers. This has helped to cushion the decline in sales and to support local businesses.

In conclusion, it can be said that the meal allowance is much more than a voluntary social benefit from the employer. It can have a positive impact on the entire regional economy and contribute to promoting regional and sustainable economic activity. It is therefore an important factor in supporting the local economy and strengthening regional structures.

Nachhaltigkeit trifft Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit. Entdecke die Regional Hero Card.

Vereine regionales Engagement mit steuerfreien Arbeitgeberzuschüssen und schaffe einzigartige Mitarbeiter-Benefits.

5. Practical implementation of the meal allowance: Design options for employers

The meal allowance is an effective tool for promoting employee job satisfaction and at the same time taking advantage of tax benefits. However, how can this be implemented in practice? There are a variety of design options.

Determining the lump sum

First, it is time to decide which lump sum will be granted. In doing so, legal requirements must be observed, which may constantly change. The tax-free meal allowance is currently 6.40 euros per working day.

Inclusion of the benefit in kind

Employers have the option of granting the full amount of the meal allowance as a benefit in kind. This offers the advantage that this sum remains completely free of tax and social security contributions. In practice, this means that employees are provided with a benefit card that they can use to pay for their meals.

Individual adjustment

The concept of the catering allowance should meet the individual needs of the company and employees. Both the number of beneficiary employees and the options for using the benefits card may vary. It is also possible to customize the card, for example by printing the company logo.

Implementation and control

The introduction of the catering allowance in the company should be well planned and communicated. Here, it makes sense to provide employees with comprehensive information and training. During operation, regular monitoring and adjustment is advisable to ensure that the measure has the desired effect.

Overall, it can be stated that the meal allowance is a flexible option, which employers can individually design. With good planning and careful implementation, it can become an important factor for employee satisfaction and retention.

6. Future prospects: The role of the food allowance in a modern corporate structure

The food allowance is now playing an increasingly important role in many corporate structures. Against this background, it is worthwhile to take a look into the future and explore the possibilities of how the meal allowance could be used in the future to meet the requirements of a constantly changing working world.

Potential to promote work-life balance

One of the most important key issues in the modern working world is work-life balance. Today, more than ever, companies are confronted with offering flexible working models that are tailored to the individual needs of employees. Flexible use of the meal allowance could promote employee well-being and thus contribute to a better work-life balance. With a tax-free payment card, for example, employees could freely decide where and when they would like to eat their meals.

Increasing employer attractiveness

Not only salary, but also social benefits and additional offers make a company attractive for job seekers. In times of a shortage of skilled workers and high competitive pressure, the targeted implementation of the meal allowance in the corporate structure could be a decisive factor in attracting potential top talent and retaining existing employees. This could be done, for example, by offering healthy and sustainable catering options based on the tax-free payment card in kind.

Supporting sustainability and corporate social responsibility

After all, the issue of sustainability is also playing an increasingly important role in modern corporate management. In this context, the food allowance could be used specifically to support local providers and thus contribute to the environmentally friendly design of the regional economy. This aspect of corporate social responsibility can also help to positively shape the company's image both internally and externally and to strengthen its position on the market in the long term.

Overall, it is clear that the meal allowance is a diverse instrument that can be integrated into the corporate structure in a future-oriented and flexible way. However, thorough planning and continuous adaptation to current trends and challenges are essential to exploit the full potential.

Any more questions?

Everything you want to know — simply explained.

What is a cash benefit card?

A benefit card in kind is a tool with which companies can provide their employees with tax-free benefits in kind. The Regional Hero Card is a special benefit card that aims to promote the local economy. The card works like a prepaid credit card and can be used at all acceptance points that accept Mastercard. Employers can conveniently top up the cards with tax-free benefits in kind, which employees can then use in shops and services in their region. The Regional Hero Card provides a convenient way to provide employees with tax-free benefits while supporting and strengthening the local economy. It promotes employee loyalty to the company and contributes to the attractiveness of the workplace. The card can be used both online and offline and is supported by a user-friendly app that helps employees discover local offers and keep an eye on their available amount.

How do companies and employees benefit from a benefits card?

Companies and employees benefit from a benefit card in kind, such as the Regional Hero Card, in various ways. Companies can pass on tax-free benefits in kind to their employees and thus increase employee motivation and retention. By supporting the local economy, they also improve their corporate image and contribute to the sustainable development of the region. Employees benefit from tax-free benefits that increase their disposable income and have the opportunity to support local businesses and services. The Regional Hero Card helps them discover the diversity of their region and promotes awareness of the importance of the local economy. Overall, the card therefore creates added value for everyone involved.

What tax-free benefits in kind can companies offer with a benefits card?

With a benefit card such as the Regional Hero Card, companies can offer their employees various tax-free benefits in kind. In Germany, for example, benefits in kind of up to 600€ per year and employee are tax-free, in addition, 180€ per year and employee can be granted for personal events such as birthdays or anniversaries. The tax-free benefits in kind include meal vouchers, vouchers for local shops, leisure facilities or cultural events. The Regional Hero Card allows companies to easily and conveniently pass on these tax-free benefits to their employees while supporting the local economy.

How can I order and activate the Regional Hero Card?

To order the Regional Hero Card for your company, please use the contact field on our website to make an appointment with us. In an online meeting, we will discuss the requirements and the desired number of cards for your employees. As soon as the cards have been ordered, your employees will receive the physical card by post or the digital card via email. The Regional Hero Card is activated via the corresponding app. Your employees must download the app on their smartphone and log in with their personal details. They then enter the activation code that they received with the card. After successful activation, the card is ready for use and the credit can be used at participating stores and service providers. The app also provides an overview of the current balance and the option to view transactions.

How does the Regional Hero Card contribute to sustainability and strengthening the local economy?

The Regional Hero Card contributes to the sustainability and strengthening of the local economy by allowing employees to spend their tax-free credit with regional businesses and service providers. In this way, the money flows directly into the local economy, which helps to secure jobs, support local companies and strengthen purchasing power in the region. By specifically promoting the local economy, sustainability is improved as transport routes are shorter and local resources are used. This results in a reduction in the ecological footprint. In addition, the Regional Hero Card promotes awareness of the importance of the local economy and the benefits of shopping with regional suppliers. By combining tax-free benefits for employees and supporting regional companies, the Regional Hero Card helps create a sustainable and economically strong community.

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